It's too hot.
When I get back,
I'm gonna put it...
Mother's the oldest
in our squad.
He just had his 26th birthday, and
two days later his baby was born dead.
We call him Mother... Wilkins...
because he's always hounding us
for being sloppy, bugging us...
about leaving things around.
They're a little bent.
You want me
to turn you in, Vance?
Between the stuff you did
and the stuff I make up...
I could at least get you
to a psychiatrist in some hospital.
Couldn't fool anybody.
Wouldn't let me do
all this shit.
Only you were here.
Doesn't really count.
You sure fooled me, Mother.
I'll tell you that.
You also broke a squad rule.
What rule?
Well, you said "shit."
What would Father say?