A Midnight Clear

I think the army
considered this a good deal.

So now we've been moved north
into the Ardennes Forest...

to await replacements.
It's become a kind
of frontline halfway house...

for straightening out
our nerves.

I'm not sure
I can be straightened out.

I'm scared all the time now.
It's mid-December, 1944.
My family name is Knott.

My parents named me William.
By the third grade,
I was Will Knott.

I've learned to live with it.
What I wasn't prepared for
were the guys of the I & Rplatoon...

who decided I was
to be known as 'Won't."

Let's go, Knott!
Back in Camp Shelby
before we shipped out...

Lieutenant Ware was told that
Intelligence was doing a lousy job.

He figured if he filled the squad
with intelligent soldiers...

he'd get better Intelligence.
He searched the regimental records for
the soldiers with the highest scores...

on the intelligence test...
and requisitioned us
as a squad.

Of course, six of us are dead.
So what's intelligence?
Jesus Christ, Knott.
Haven't you got them fucking
sergeant stripes sewn on yet?

The supply sergeant says they're all
out. They're waiting on a new shipment.

Well, get some staff sergeant
stripes and cut 'em down.

That'd be destruction
of government property, sir.

Well, I just hope to hell that
son of a bitch Griffin doesn't see it.

It's amazing how much profanity
goes on in the army...

when you're tuned to hear it.
