Our regimental commander
is Major Griffiin.
Griffiin was a mortician
in civilian life.
His main passion now
seems to be generating business...
for his army counterparts.
It's thanks to Griffiin
and his military mortuary skills...
that I've made my recent
headlong leap to three stripes.
We lost half our squad, attempting one
of his map-inspired, ill-conceived...
recon patrols.
When I say 'lost,"
I mean 'killed."
Nobody in the army ever admits
that someone on our side is killed.
They're either lost,
like Christopher Robin...
hit, as in a batter
hit by a pitched ball...
or they get 'it"
like in hide-and-go-seek.
Or maybe they get it
as with an ambiguous joke.
Not one of the six killed
had an army intelligence score...
of less than 150.
We gained a few miles
of European real estate...
and lost the beginnings to untold
generations of very bright people.
I think the army
considered this a good deal.
So now we've been moved north
into the Ardennes Forest...
to await replacements.
It's become a kind
of frontline halfway house...
for straightening out
our nerves.
I'm not sure
I can be straightened out.
I'm scared all the time now.
It's mid-December, 1944.
My family name is Knott.
My parents named me William.
By the third grade,
I was Will Knott.
I've learned to live with it.
What I wasn't prepared for
were the guys of the I & Rplatoon...
who decided I was
to be known as 'Won't."