Okay, I think I got it.
There's seven of them.
They just got sent back
from the Russian front...
where it sounds like they got
the shit knocked out of'em.
He keeps talking about that
big offensive south of here...
and he doesn't want
any part of it.
They think the war's almost over
and they don't want to get killed...
in the last few days.
I told him we'd bring our leader here
tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.
We're going
to bring Ware here?
Look, just get Mother
out on guard duty...
and get the squad together,
all right?
What are we gonna do
about an officer?
I don't know about this.
Why can't Will just do it?
I don't know about this.
Why can't Will just do it?
- He's the leader, for Christ's sake.
- They've already seen him.
Besides, no Kraut's ever gonna believe
that a guy like Will is an officer.
- Take a look at him.
- Thank you, thank you.
Then let's let Mel just do it.
He's a natural leader type.
Hey, wait a second. I'm not even sure
I want to be part of this plan.
Besides, I don't look
like an Aryan god.
What is this?
Father, it's all stripes and no rocker.
- What's that mean?
- It's something new, Miller.
You're our bastard sergeant minor.
Besides, we don't have any rockers.
What if it's like some kind of...
"capture the commander" scheme
the Krauts have worked out?
You know, put a bullet in my head
or something.
Hey, look, Bud, why don't you
just try walking now?
- The man walks like a soldier.
- Put more pigheaded asshole into it.
- That I can do.
- Chest out, chest out.
Yeah, that's it!
That'll do just fine.
Just stand there like an SOB
and nod occasionally.
You know, you actually do
look like an officer.
- I actually feel like an asshole.
- That's about the same thing.
Mother gets off post in five minutes.
- Let's not blow his Christmas present.
- Sure this is a good idea?