Then let's let Mel just do it.
He's a natural leader type.
Hey, wait a second. I'm not even sure
I want to be part of this plan.
Besides, I don't look
like an Aryan god.
What is this?
Father, it's all stripes and no rocker.
- What's that mean?
- It's something new, Miller.
You're our bastard sergeant minor.
Besides, we don't have any rockers.
What if it's like some kind of...
"capture the commander" scheme
the Krauts have worked out?
You know, put a bullet in my head
or something.
Hey, look, Bud, why don't you
just try walking now?
- The man walks like a soldier.
- Put more pigheaded asshole into it.
- That I can do.
- Chest out, chest out.
Yeah, that's it!
That'll do just fine.
Just stand there like an SOB
and nod occasionally.
You know, you actually do
look like an officer.
- I actually feel like an asshole.
- That's about the same thing.
Mother gets off post in five minutes.
- Let's not blow his Christmas present.
- Sure this is a good idea?
I can't stop worrying.
God, I hope we're doing
the right thing.
- Yeah.
- Will, listen.
There are five or six of them
down here working like crazy.
They got something big with them.
Could be a mortar.
I think maybe you better have somebody
man that upper post to cover us.
Shit. Mel, you and Mother
go up to the upper post.
Stan says they're
setting up a mortar.
All right. Listen. Mother and Avakian
are going to the upper post.
You want me down there?