Why don't you go with Neal, Norman?
Make your plans.
Oh, yeah.
The only plan Neal had was a trip to
Black Jack's bar, an old freight car...
set in the woods where any honest
policeman would be unlikely to find it.
It was this otter and her pups.
l had a hell of a time tracking them
because they turn white in winter.
After a few shots of this vile whiskey
brewed by Black Jack himself...
Neal began to hold forth.
He'd chosen Montana subjects to spin his
lies about shooting, hiking, trapping.
Probably to impress
the only other client at the bar.
A ploy that was beginning to pay off.
Anywho, she tried to lose me...
again and again.
She went by the name of Old Rawhide.
About ten years before, she'd been
elected beauty queen of Wolf Creek.
She rode bareback standing up through
the 100 inhabitants, mostly male.
Her skirts flew high,
and she won the contest.
It's stiff!
l couldn't feel my hands!
I'm thinking about my dog Sport
that's with me.
If it gets any colder,
l may have to slit him open...
and stick my hands in
to keep them from freezing.
It would have been a tough thing
to do.
But, hell, I did it before
at the Yukon.
God knows I love that damn dog.
She still wore the divided skirts
of a horsewoman...
although they must have been
a hardship in her new profession.
There, on a branch
waiting to jump on their first deer...
is the goddamn otter!
Hey, buster.
What's an otter doing on the top
of Roger's Pass?
l thought they swam in the creeks.