Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor that comes to call.
The law says you...
...must be married to a prince...
...By your next birthday.
The law is wrong.
You've only got three more days!
Father, I hate being forced into this.
If I do marry, I want it to be for love.
Jasmine, it's not only this law.
I'm not going to be around forever,...and I...
I just want to make sure you're taken care of, provided for.
Please, try to understand. I've never done a thing on my own.
I've never had any real friends.
Except you, Rajah.
I've never even been outside the palace walls.
But Jasmine, you're a princess.
Then maybe I don't want to be a princess anymore!
Allah forbid you should have any daughters!
I don't know where she gets it from.
Her mother wasn't nearly so picky.
Ah, Jafar--my most trusted advisor.
I am in desperate need of your wisdom.
My life is but to serve you, my lord.
It's this suitor business.
Jasmine refuses to choose a husband. I'm at my wit's-end.
Have a cracker, pretty polly!
Your majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals.
Now then, perhaps I can divine a solution to this thorny problem.