Then maybe I don't want to be a princess anymore!
Allah forbid you should have any daughters!
I don't know where she gets it from.
Her mother wasn't nearly so picky.
Ah, Jafar--my most trusted advisor.
I am in desperate need of your wisdom.
My life is but to serve you, my lord.
It's this suitor business.
Jasmine refuses to choose a husband. I'm at my wit's-end.
Have a cracker, pretty polly!
Your majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals.
Now then, perhaps I can divine a solution to this thorny problem.
If anyone can help, it's you.
Ah, but it would require the use of the mystic blue diamond.
Uh, my ring?
But it's been in the family for years.
It is necessary to find the princess a suitor.
Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
- Everything will be fine.
The diamond.
Here, Jafar. Whatever you need
will be fine.
You are most gracious, my liege.
Now run along and play with your little toys.
Yes...that'll be...pretty good.
I can't take it anymore!
If I gotta choke down on one more of those moldy, disgusting crackers...
Calm yourself, Iago.
-Then I'd grab him around the head.