Bob Roberts

of a very disturbing sort.
I haven't any idea who he is.
I haven't any idea what he's like.

I don't think I'm supposed to have any idea.
I know that he proved to be a master
of pushing racist buttons and sexist buttons,

this and that.
The politics of emotion.
He's very good at that.
What's behind it?
I don't see anybody at home.

But I will say that once or twice
in the course of our debate

I detected a slight whiff of sulphur in the air.
I'm a bleeding heart
Let's give money away
To lazy people in the slums
I'm a bleeding heart
Let's eliminate our nuclear bombs
Arabs can be
Our friends
Right (I)
Don't vote if you believe in that
We'll be fine without you
It's plain to see what you believe
Will lead to anarchy
I've been up all night to meet the deadline.
"Bob Roberts and S&L", by Bugs Raplin.

And I quote, this based on a source
I spoke to last night...

"October 22nd. " Today.
"An unidentified source in the West
Pennsylvania Savings and Loan disaster

told this reporter that in 1986 an organisation
called Broken Dove procured real estate loans

under the pretence of building housing
for the homeless

and used the money to buy
transport planes for private enterprise. "

"Active board members at the time
included businessmen Lukas Hart III

and US senatorial candidate Bob Roberts. "
So if you're hanging to the right
You can vote for me
It is your God-given right
From sea to shining sea
[Bugs] Roberts and Hart ripped off
savings and loans to buy planes.
