We ain't all like them
assholes downstairs.
I just wanna raise my child good.
He's a beautiful little boy.
He's all I got.
What's his name?
I'm Anne-Marie.
Anne-Marie McCoy.
-I'm sorry we disturbed you.
-We'll just get out of your way.
It's okay. I mean,
I don't mean to be rude....
It's just the white folks that come
here ain't too handshaking with us.
-What you doing here?
-Let me help you.
You making a mess here, huh?
You got kids?
No, but I'd love one.
Got my eye on this one big time.
Not gonna get him.
Wanna know about Ruthie Jean?
They all been here, you know?
...cops, caseworkers.
They all wanna know.
I heard her screaming.
I heard through the walls.
I dialled 91 1 .
Nobody came.
Nobody came.
Everybody scared.
He could come right
through these walls.
I'm scared.
Scared for my child.
They never gonna catch him.