They will say that I haveshed innocent blood.
What's blood for,if not for shedding?
With my hook for a hand...
...l'll split you fromyour groin to your gullet.
I came...
... for you.
This is the scariest story I'veever heard, and it's true.
It was a few years ago,near Moses Lake in lndiana.
Clara was babysittingfor the Johnsons.
Billy pulls up on his motorcycle.
She wasn't dating Billy.She'd been dating Michael for 6 months.
But she always hadthe hots for Billy...
...because he was, like,a bad boy and Michael was...
...just so nice.
So anyway, she decides thattonight's the night...
...she'll give Billywhat she never gave Michael.
Ever heard of Candyman?
His right hand is sawn off.
He has a hook jammedin the bloody stump.
And if you look in the mirrorand you say his name five times...
...he'll appear behind you,breathing down your neck.
Do you wanna try it?
So Billy began.
He looked in the mirror,and he said.: