and the grass on the gentle hills
around it grows high and rich and green.
lt's the plot of land
you've dreamed of.
Excuse me, Stephen.
- Are you cross with me?
- Of course l am.
We were doing this together,
l thought.
l couldn't take you with me today.
lt was too dangerous.
l don't mind a little danger
now and then.
Stop this childishness.
Are we not here, your parents and l,
because you wanted this?
Tomorrow we'll ride as one,
together, side by side.
We'll claim our land,
and then we'll marry...
and finally settle down.
You do want to settle down,
don't you, Shannon?
Yes, l want to settle down.
There now. That's better.
l hate to see you angry.
lt isn't your nature to be so.
Hello, Shannon.
l wondered if l'd see you here.
l suspected that l might.
That's right. l saw you living
back in Boston all this while.
You look well. Well.
l'm here with my family.