
...you wouldn't do it.
It's not in your interest.

One more.
All right. Is everything all right?
I guess you kind of got
a drinking problem.

I sell them at the recycling centre.
It gives me a bit for gas and food.

Looks like you live in here.
I do in bad weather.
But mostly, I like
camping in the woods.

I thought you were
down on your luck too.

"Down on my luck"? I told you.
A goddamn plane fell on me...

...from out of the sky, in America,
for chrissake.

See these shoes? $100 pair
of shoes. One shoe.

- Give it to someone with one leg.
- One leg? Let me off. I'll take a bus.

I know a man who sells stuff
at the recycling centre.

He only has one leg.
I think it's the right foot.

Sell it to him. You get a couple bucks.
It pays for the gas.

He doesn't have any money.
It's very kind of you.
"Down on my luck. "
I got some mud on me is all.
I got a nice apartment, stereo.

We could listen to you on the news.
Are you worried about
the stock market?

No, the plane crash.
Didn't they interview you?

I don't give no interviews.
That's a lot of shit.
Keep a low profile.
That's my motto.
I got legal problems. My attorneys
don't like me talking to the media.

Step on it. I'm supposed to be
in my office five minutes ago.

My secretary...
...has got appointments
booked for me, you know, all day.

I'm very late.
One word. One word, LaPlante,
and you're fired. You got that?

- Bill...
- Don't say "Bill"!

Didn't I say,
"One word and you're fired"?

Know why? Because it'll be an excuse.
"Bernie LaPlante, excuse number 4, 106."

No, 4, 112. That's how many
excuses you've given me.

I keep track of them electronically.
