You have no voice in here,
so keep your mouth shut.
You tell a lot of lies. Is it something
that comes naturally to you?
- I don't lie.
- You'd lie to your chief?
- Under exceptional circumstances.
- What caused you to lie to Freddy Ross?
I've never lied to Ross.
- You didn't?
- No.
Well, he thought you did.
He even wrote it down here in his book.
"Berlin is a liar."
It's underlined.
It's dated the day you got your first break
with your mystery man.
You don't know why he wrote that, do you?
Maybe he thought
there was no mystery man.
Maybe he thought
your investigation was bullshit.
Maybe he thought you were making it up
because you wanted to be top cop.
Isn't that why
you ran up that garbage dump -
so everyone could stand in awe of top cop!
You came up here
cos you couldn't make it in LA.
You got a pissy little degree
and came here to be top guy. Right?
But Ross was top guy, wasn't he?
Always would be top guy.
And he did it without even trying!
Everybody loved him.
He had everything you wanted, didn't he?
Great marriage. Great kid.
Everything that you couldn't have.
And you wanted it all to go away.
Cos you had a lousy life
with a lousy wife
who was fucking everyone.
Wasn't she?
Is that why you needed
to pick on this little blind girl?
Cos you could control her.
Control who she's fucking...
Come on, John. Lose your temper with
me. You're good at losing your temper.
- Come on, lose your temper with me.
- No way, Mr St. Anne.