not by
a [Electronic Note] bus!
Now turn this [Distorted Note]
Car around and let's get back on
your [Distorted Note] patrol!
You have a limited
vocabulary, Ted.
Fuck you.
[Rattle, Echoing]
If you liked those, stick around.
I got a hundred more.
Come on.
One of your customers
is getting robbed.
I knew it.
I knew it!
[Police Radio Chatter]
[George] I told you
this would happen. I told you
we shouldjust follow Kane.
We'd have him right now.
Stupid rookies.
Always think you're gonna hit
the big score your first night.
I'm a stupid rookie?
How much do you want
to bet it's Kane?
A billion dollars.
Get out! Get out of my store!
Look at my store!
You can't protect me! Your
brother was good, but you shit!
Calm down, sir.
Calm down.
We'll be right back.
Thank you, Mr. Chang.
Get out of my store!
Ted, I told you. Four guys
in a green station wagon.
You owe me
a billion dollars.
Where you going?
I'm gonna go get Kane.
I can't let you do that.
Well, try and stop me.
Now calm down. We're gonna
take this guy's statement
and write up a report.
You leave me
no choice, Ted.
I'm gonna have to hurt you.
That's it.
Oh, man.
Don't you see that getting Kane
would be as good for you
as it would for me?
I guess you don't.