Kurenai no buta

Fio? That little girl?
She is young,
but she's got something my sons lack.

We've known each other for a long time...
... but I think I'll look
for another repairman this time.

Are you worried because I'm a girl?
Or because I'm young?
Both, Miss.
I can understand that.
Tell me. What's the main thing
that goes to make a good pilot?

No, inspiration.
Oh, I'm glad you didn't say experience.
Anyway, I heard from grandpa
that you flew at an early age...

... and that you were good even then.
That was 1910, when I was 17.
17! That's the same age I am now.
I can't quit being a girl...
... but let me try!
We've got the old drawings.

If it's no good, you don't have to pay.
Is it ok, grandpa?
She is my granddaughter, she'll do fine.
I took apart my first engine when I was 12.
Sleep on this.
We'll fix you a bed tomorrow.

The breakfast is at 7:00am.
You can take a hot shower.
I've left a towel already.

Have a good night.
You don't have enough money,
but we're old friends...

... so pay the rest later.
