Kurenai no buta

I bumped my head
when you did that roll!

Just saying hello to a friend.
To Gina of the hotel Adriano?
The woman in white on the terrace?
My grandpa told me that all the pilots
in the Adriatic fall in love with Gina.

He's got a big mouth!
What's she like?
Are you in love with her, too?
We are going down to refuel.
Shut up or you'll bite your tongue.
Wa! Wait! Uwaa...
A girl riding a fighter plane!
Where's Porco?
Talking to my dad about something.
It's not just the caretaker government.
It's the royalists, too.
They want to link up
with the Pirates' Federation.

There's no money in
chasing pirates any more.

Here you are.
All this talk about a depression!
You ought to sell
your services somewhere, too.

A good pilot can make good money.
You got a cigarette?
Curtis is will go back to
America sooner or later.

We're the ones who should
go to America.

"Farewell to the days of
fun and freedom in the Adriatic."

Is that Byron?
No, me. See you.
See you later.
Porco, it's terrible!
Their fuel's three times
what it is back in Italy!

Give us a break!
We don't water our fuel here!
