Fucking weasel!
What the hell's going on here?
I don't care! You can't be on the ice!
I got him!
You're all right, pal. Stay calm.
Make sure you tell my mother!
Where'd he go?
Down there!
Son of a...bitch!
He thinks I don't know I'm dying.
I know it.
-You'll be okay.
-I'm dying, Roger.
I'm choking, see?
This is what they do when they die.
Leo, it's going to be okay.
My body's numb! I can't feel it!
I'm going to die, I know it! What?
You're lying on the ice.
-That's why I'm cold?
-That's why you're cold.
-That's why I'm numb?
-That's why you're numb.
But he shot me. Look at all the blood.
-It's just a flesh wound.
-So it's okay.
He's okay, he's okay!
He's going to make it! He's alive!
-Bring him this way.
-I can't believe this.
-I can't believe I got shot.
-Calm down.
Riggs, are you here?
We're all the same now. We all got shot.
You'll be fine.
I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me.
I can take this.
Just calm down. We'll take care of it.
You'll be out of here tonight.
It's no big deal.
This isn't a good idea.
You shouldn't rush this, Doc.
You should rest up.
A dum-dum wound can be serious.
What's a "dum-dum wound"?
You don't know? A guy on the Force
got his thumb shot off by a dum-dum.