It's in Beechum County, AIabama, Ma.
Not too good, Ma. We... we've been arrested.
Ma. Ma, pIease. Ma, pIease.
First of aII, we didn't do it, aII right?
Ma. Ma, pIe...! Ma, it's a mistake.
We must Iook Iike the guys who did it.
- TeII her what we think is happening...
- Shut up.
We think they're trying to set us up as
patsies. You know how corrupt it is here.
The KIan's here, they're inbred,
they sIeep with their sisters.
- Some of them do.
- AII right, Ma, Iisten.
We gotta get an attorney,
and it's gonna cost a Iot of money.
- How much wouId an attorney cost?
- A decent one? $50,000. $100,000.
50,000. 100,000... I know, Ma. I know.
- Can we use any attorney?
- I think so.
He says he thinks so.
Oh, he is?
WeII, that's a great idea.
You think he'II do it?
- We got an attorney in the famiIy.
- Who?
My cousin Vinny.
(tyres screech)
(# ''Mind Your Own Business''
by Clivilles & Cole blares from car)
What is that?
Where's he from?
(car engine clanks)