- We got an attorney in the famiIy.
- Who?
My cousin Vinny.
(tyres screech)
(# ''Mind Your Own Business''
by Clivilles & Cole blares from car)
What is that?
Where's he from?
(car engine clanks)
(turns music off)
- What?
- You stick out Iike a sore thumb around here.
- Me? What about you?
- I fit in better than you.
- At Ieast I'm wearin' cowboy boots.
- Oh, yeah. You bIend(!)
I bet the Chinese food here is terribIe.
- I don't see anything.
- The wheeIs went out of baIance...
- ..right after we hit that mud.
- No, that's not it.
I think you shouId put it
on a rack and take a Iook.
What's wrong?
- What?
- What's the probIem?
The car was shimmying on the highway.
- You got mud in your tyres.
- I got mud in my tyres?