You must be Stan. How you doin'?
Why'd they bring you in here?
I just got in. I asked for the new guys
and they brought me here.
Hey, he's sIeepin', huh? Cute IittIe guy.
You know, maybe I'II just start with you.
Let him sIeep a IittIe bit.
- Look, I don't wanna do this.
- Hey, I don't bIame you.
If I was in your situation,
I'd wanna get through this whoIe thing...
..as quickIy and with
as IittIe pain as possibIe.
So Iet's try our best to make it
a simpIe in-and-out procedure.
What's the matter?
ReIax, reIax. ReIax.
Maybe we shouId spend
a coupIe of minutes together.
You know, to get acquainted before we,
uh... you know, before we get to it.
- What's wrong with you?
- I don't wanna do this.
I understand, but what are your aIternatives?
My aIternatives? To what? To you?
I dunno. Suicide. Death.
Look, it's either me or them.
You're gettin' fucked, one way or the other.
Hey, hey, hey.
Lighten up, OK?
Don't worry, I'm gonna heIp you.
Gee, thanks.
Excuse me, but I think a modicum of
gratitude wouId not be outta Iine here.
- You think I shouId be gratefuI?
- Yeah. I mean it's your ass, not mine.
I think you shouId be gratefuI. I think
you shouId be down on your fuckin' knees.
I didn't know your visit was such an honour.
I'm doin' a favour.
You're gettin' me for nothin', you IittIe fuck.
Boy, that's one heII of an ego you've got.
What the fuck is your probIem?
- I did not come here just to getjerked off.
- No. No, no.
I'm notjerking you off.
I'm not doing anything.
You're on your own. I'm just
takin' care of SIeeping Beauty.
- Hey! BiIIy.
- Back off.
- Vinny! Hey, Vinny!
- Vinny?
- Vinny Bag o' Donuts! How are you?
- This is Vinny?
I don't know where to start.
Have you had any murder cases before?