My Cousin Vinny

Look, it's either me or them.
You're gettin' fucked, one way or the other.

Hey, hey, hey.
Lighten up, OK?
Don't worry, I'm gonna heIp you.

Gee, thanks.
Excuse me, but I think a modicum of
gratitude wouId not be outta Iine here.

- You think I shouId be gratefuI?
- Yeah. I mean it's your ass, not mine.

I think you shouId be gratefuI. I think
you shouId be down on your fuckin' knees.

I didn't know your visit was such an honour.
I'm doin' a favour.
You're gettin' me for nothin', you IittIe fuck.

Boy, that's one heII of an ego you've got.
What the fuck is your probIem?
- I did not come here just to getjerked off.
- No. No, no.

I'm notjerking you off.
I'm not doing anything.

You're on your own. I'm just
takin' care of SIeeping Beauty.

- Hey! BiIIy.
- Back off.

- Vinny! Hey, Vinny!
- Vinny?

- Vinny Bag o' Donuts! How are you?
- This is Vinny?

I don't know where to start.
Have you had any murder cases before?
- None. This'II be my first.
- Your first?

What kind of cases have you had?
AssauIt and battery? Armed robbery?

WeII, I expect he's done burgIary,
grand theft auto, drugs.

No. Nothin' Iike that either.
What kind... what kind of Iaw
do you practise?

WeII, up tiII now, uh... personaI injury.
WeII... you're a triaI attorney, right?
I mean, personaI injury triaIs.

WeII, actuaIIy, this'II be my first
foray into the triaI process.

I haven't had to go to court yet.
Knock on wood.

You haven't had to go to court yet.
- How Iong you been practising?
- AImost six weeks.
