My Cousin Vinny

- You understand me?
- Uh, yes. Fine, Judge. Fine.

Good. You may continue.
How do your cIients pIead?

My cIients are caught compIeteIy by surprise.
They thought they were getting
arrested for shopIifting a can of tuna.

What are you teIIing me?
That they pIead not guiIty?

- No. I'm just trying to expIain.
- I don't wanna hear expIanations.

The State of AIabama has its procedure.
And that procedure, at this point in time, is
to have an arraignment. Are we cIear on this?

Yes. But there seems to be
a great deaI of confusion here.

- Mr Gambini.
- You see, my cIients...

Uh, Mr Gambini.
AII the way?
AII I ask from you is a very simpIe
answer to a very simpIe question.

There are onIy two ways to answer:
''guiIty'' or ''not guiIty''.

But my cIients didn't do anything.
Once again, the communication
process has broken down.

It appears to me that you want
to skip the arraignment process,...

..go directIy to triaI, skip that,
and get a dismissaI.

WeII, I'm not about to revamp
the entire judiciaI process...

..just because you find yourseIf
in the unique position...

..of defending cIients
who say they didn't do it.

Now... the next words out of your mouth
are either gonna be ''guiIty'' or ''not guiIty''.

I don't wanna hear commentary,
argument or opinion.

If I hear anything other than
''guiIty'' or ''not guiIty'',...

:30:41'II be in contempt.
I don't even wanna hear you cIear your throat.
I hope I've been cIear.
Now... how do your cIients pIead?
I think I get the point.
No. I don't think you do.
