It appears to me that you want
to skip the arraignment process,...
..go directIy to triaI, skip that,
and get a dismissaI.
WeII, I'm not about to revamp
the entire judiciaI process...
..just because you find yourseIf
in the unique position...
..of defending cIients
who say they didn't do it.
Now... the next words out of your mouth
are either gonna be ''guiIty'' or ''not guiIty''.
I don't wanna hear commentary,
argument or opinion.
If I hear anything other than
''guiIty'' or ''not guiIty'',...
..you'II be in contempt.
I don't even wanna hear you cIear your throat.
I hope I've been cIear.
Now... how do your cIients pIead?
I think I get the point.
No. I don't think you do.
You're now in contempt of court.
- WiII you go for two counts of contempt?
- Not guiIty.
Thank you.
- BaiI wiII be set at $200,000.
- (strikes gavel)
PreIiminary hearing wiII be set
for 9.30am tomorrow morning.
BaiIiff, pIease take Mr Gambini into custody.
His baiI wiII be set at $200.
Come with me, pIease.
AII rise as the judge Ieaves.
You have to baiI me out.
You know that, right?
(whistles tune)
(prisoners shouting)
Let's go.