My Cousin Vinny

- Do you have anything to add?
- Thing? What thing?

Not for me to say.
No, sir.
You can stand down.
- Do you have any other witnesses?
- No, Your Honour.

The court finds sufficient evidence
exists for this matter to go to triaI.

I'm setting this matter for triaI
this Monday, February 2, 10am.

Mr Gambini.
Stand up.
Now, didn't I teII you next time you appear in
my courtroom that you dress appropriateIy?

You were serious about that?
- Why didn't you ask them any questions?
- Questions? Ask who questions?

You knew you couId ask questions.
Didn't you, Vin?

If you'd put up a fight, you couId have
gotten the case thrown out.

Hey, Stan. You're in AIa-fuckin'-bama.
You come from New York.
You kiIIed a good oId boy.

There is no way this is not going to triaI.
What the fuck is goin' on here, Vinny?
You fuckin' up this case or what?

I toId you. It's just procedure.
I'm bound to fuck up a IittIe.

A IittIe? You got thrown in jaiI! Twice.
Hey. I know I was in jaiI.
I don't need you to point it out to me, OK?

You're my fiancée.
You're supposed to stand by your man.

You know, encourage me a IittIe bit.
A IittIe encouragement.

Is that what you want? I'm sorry.
You were wonderfuI in there.

The way you handIed thatjudge...
Ohh, you're a smooth taIker. You are!

AII right, knock it off. Knock it off.
Do you think I Iike fuckin' up? Is that it?
You raggin' on me is not gonna give me
any great spontaneous knowIedge.
