You knew you couId ask questions.
Didn't you, Vin?
If you'd put up a fight, you couId have
gotten the case thrown out.
Hey, Stan. You're in AIa-fuckin'-bama.
You come from New York.
You kiIIed a good oId boy.
There is no way this is not going to triaI.
What the fuck is goin' on here, Vinny?
You fuckin' up this case or what?
I toId you. It's just procedure.
I'm bound to fuck up a IittIe.
A IittIe? You got thrown in jaiI! Twice.
Hey. I know I was in jaiI.
I don't need you to point it out to me, OK?
You're my fiancée.
You're supposed to stand by your man.
You know, encourage me a IittIe bit.
A IittIe encouragement.
Is that what you want? I'm sorry.
You were wonderfuI in there.
The way you handIed thatjudge...
Ohh, you're a smooth taIker. You are!
AII right, knock it off. Knock it off.
Do you think I Iike fuckin' up? Is that it?
You raggin' on me is not gonna give me
any great spontaneous knowIedge.
- Yeah?
- So shut it.
- You done readin'?
- Yeah.
Do you wanna go to bed?
I don't know. I don't feeI good.
You shouIdn't feeI good.
You haven't sIept much in three days.
That's part of it. You know what it is?
I'm... I'm reaIIy scared.