- Yeah?
- So shut it.
- You done readin'?
- Yeah.
Do you wanna go to bed?
I don't know. I don't feeI good.
You shouIdn't feeI good.
You haven't sIept much in three days.
That's part of it. You know what it is?
I'm... I'm reaIIy scared.
You shouId be.
How the fuck did I get into this shit?
''Oh, sure. No probIem. I couId win the case.''
I aIready got myseIf sent to jaiI twice.
I couId win this thing, though.
I know I couId.
If I couId keep my ass awake and outtajaiI
Iong enough, betcha I couId, huh?
You know what I think? HonestIy?
I think that once you're out there
and you're doin' your thing,...
..I think you're gonna be reaIIy great.
ReaIIy great.
..you don't fuck up.
(cock crows)
(pigs squealing)