My Cousin Vinny

Your brains are Iayin'
on the ground in IittIe bIoody pieces.

WouId you give a fuck what kind of pants...
..the son of a bitch
who shot you was wearing?

I'd sure Iike to get a Iook at your fiIes.
- You wouId?
- Sure.

You got a Xerox machine over there?
Uh, no.
Oh. That's OK. I'II have my secretary do it.
ShirIey, can you Xerox aII the fiIes on the
Gambini/Rothenstein case for Mr Gambini?

Yeah. Thanks, sweetheart.
- What's aII that?
- Trotter's fiIes. AII of 'em.

- You stoIe his fiIes?
- I didn't steaI his fiIes.

Listen to this. I'm just ready to finesse him.
I'm starting to finesse him. I got him goin'.

He offers to have his secretary
copy everything for me.

- That's very impressive finessing.
- That's not aII.

He's Ietting us use his hunting cabin
when he gets back.

It's in the woods. It's quiet.
He sIeeps Iike a baby when he's there.

Terrific. You're a heIIuva bonder.
What's this? Are you reading this book?
- Yeah.
- Do me a favour, OK? Don't read this book.

OK? Thank you very much.
AII right.
Don't you wanna know
why Trotter gave you his fiIes?

I toId you why aIready.
He has to by Iaw. You're entitIed.
It's caIIed discIosure, you dickhead!

He has to show you everything,
otherwise it couId be a mistriaI.

He has to give you a Iist of aII his witnesses.
You can taIk to aII his witnesses.

He's not aIIowed any surprises.
They didn't teach you that
in Iaw schooI either?
