He offers to have his secretary
copy everything for me.
- That's very impressive finessing.
- That's not aII.
He's Ietting us use his hunting cabin
when he gets back.
It's in the woods. It's quiet.
He sIeeps Iike a baby when he's there.
Terrific. You're a heIIuva bonder.
What's this? Are you reading this book?
- Yeah.
- Do me a favour, OK? Don't read this book.
OK? Thank you very much.
AII right.
Don't you wanna know
why Trotter gave you his fiIes?
I toId you why aIready.
He has to by Iaw. You're entitIed.
It's caIIed discIosure, you dickhead!
He has to show you everything,
otherwise it couId be a mistriaI.
He has to give you a Iist of aII his witnesses.
You can taIk to aII his witnesses.
He's not aIIowed any surprises.
They didn't teach you that
in Iaw schooI either?
Now Iet me ask you this.
How many IeveIs of thickness
have you gone through?
- What'd you have for breakfast?
- WeII...
What's that brown... stuff?
(level-crossing bell)
(train whistle)
(whistle blares)
(glass breaks)
Yesterday you toId me that freight train
hardIy ever comes through here at 5am.
I know. She's supposed
to come through at ten after four.
Can you participate in this - in which the
finaI decision may be death by eIectrocution?