- We've changed that, have we, dear?
- No, dear.
- That's what I've always been doing?
- I wouldn't say that, Dotty.
How about the words?
Am I getting some of them right?
Some of them have
a very familiar ring.
- It's like a slot machine up here.
- I know that.
I never know what's going
to come out:
three oranges
or two lemons and a banana.
Anyway, it's not midnight yet,
and we don't open till tomorrow.
- You're holding the receiver.
- Right.
"Squire, Squire, Hackham
and...hold on!" and noises off.
Squire, Squire, Hackham... Hold on!
Hanging up the phone.
Put your feet up for two minutes
and they come running after you.
- Hold it!
- This is her afternoon off.
- Hold it, Garry. Dotty!
- We've got the place to ourselves.
- Wow!
- Hold it, Brooke.
- Dotty!
- Come back?
Yes, and go out with the newspaper.
The newspaper.
Oh, the newspaper.
Hang up the phone, leave the sardines
and go out, with the newspaper.
- Here.
- Sorry.
- Don't worry. It's just the tech.
- It's the dress, Garry.
- When was the tech?
- When's the dress? We open tomorrow.
We're thinking of it as the tech.
- It's the words.
- Don't worry about the words.
And that accent.
It's like oranges and lemons.
Your words are fine. Better than the...
you know? Isn't that right?
- Sorry?
- I mean, OK, he's the...
But, Dotty, you've been playing
this kind of part for, well, I mean...
Jesus, Dotty, you know?
Garry and Brooke are off,
Dotty is holding the receiver.
We open tomorrow,
we've only had two weeks rehearsal,
we don't know where we are,
but here we are.