Noises Off...

I say, "I'll tell you something."
You say, "What's that, Dad?"

I don't understand why the sheikh
looks like Philip.

Poppy! Bring the book!
Is it "I don't understand why the
sheikh looks like Philip"?

Can we consult the author's text?
"What's that, Dad?"

Right. That's the line.
We know you've worked in places
where you make it up as you go along,

but we don't want that here, not when
there's a polished line already.

Not at 1 a.m., not two lines
from the end of act one.

Not when we're about
to get a coffee break.

We merely want to hear the line
"What's that, Dad?" That's all.

Nothing else!
I'm not being unreasonable, am I?
Exit? Does it say "exit"?
Oh, my God. She's going
to wash away her lenses.

- Oh, dear.
- A little heavy.

I thought it was going to be Poppy.
- This is all my fault.
- Why Brooke?

- It was sweet.
- Sweet?

- A lovers' quarrel.
- You mean Lloyd and Brooke?

Where do you think they've been
all weekend?

That's why he didn't realise
the set was wrong.

- Shh! Here they come.
- All forgotten. I was irresistible.

- I'm going to throw up.
- What?

- Oh, no!
- Oh, God!

- Poppy?
- You pig!

- You mean...?
- I didn't know that.

- I'm going to faint.
- Head between your knees.

- Nothing she didn't know!
- Two weeks' rehearsal. That's all!

- What's next?
- Most exciting.

- Is she all right?
- She will be. Something she ate.

- This one's a bit, you know?
- I'm feeling a bit, you know, myself.

- I need that coffee break.
- You're certainly overdoing it.
