That's good, George. You have a drink.
You have a good, big drink.
lt's nice here.
l think we'll just spend the night
and go to the ranch tomorrow.
Ain't we gonna get no supper?
Yeah, sure we are.
l got three cans of beans in my bindle.
l like beans with ketchup.
l like beans with ketchup.
We ain't got any.
Go on. Go get some wood
so we can build a fire.
- We got enough beans here for four men.
- l like 'em with ketchup.
We ain't got any.
Whatever we ain't got,
that's what you want.
- What d'you want?
- George, l was only fooling.
l don't... l don't want no ketchup.
lf it was here, you could have some.
George, l wouldn't eat no ketchup.
l'd leave it all for you
and you could cover your beans with it.
l wouldn't touch none of it.
When l think of the swell time
l could have without you, phew, l go nuts.
l never get any peace.