One False Move

We got enough of this shit
to last us until 1995.

We got enough to last
until we get to Houston.

We're not selling all this shit.
We're selling it to Billy in Houston.
I'm going back to Chicago.
I don't give a fuck what you do.

Riding up and down the road
don't make sense.

What do you think will happen?
Are we going to get in trouble?

I was planning to sell some to
them country sons of bitches in Arkansas.

Man, I don't like this Arkansas shit.
We'll be in and out. Don't worry.
We're not building a house.
It's not a problem.
What are you worried about?

What the fuck do you think?
I don't get you.
Why don't you loosen up
and have some fun?

Why don't you get high with Ray and me?
Don't you want to feel good?
This is the biggest thing
that ever happened to us.

And you're just sitting there
like a little brown turd.

Goddamn it!
Watch yourself, Ray.
Listen up, motherfucker. Listen up!
This is what will happen.
We will go to Houston and sell the shit...

...because this little $15,000 won't last.
Until then, I will hold onto the blow.
And Ray, I don't want to hear
any more bullshit out of you...

...or her.
