Don't you want to feel good?
This is the biggest thing
that ever happened to us.
And you're just sitting there
like a little brown turd.
Goddamn it!
Watch yourself, Ray.
Listen up, motherfucker. Listen up!
This is what will happen.
We will go to Houston and sell the shit...
...because this little $15,000 won't last.
Until then, I will hold onto the blow.
And Ray, I don't want to hear
any more bullshit out of you...
...or her.
You son of a bitch!
Fucking son of a bitch!
Why don't you just go to sleep, fucker?
You forgot just one fucking thing.
You forgot about the money.
I have all the goddamn money.
You keep that little $15,000, Ray.
He's right, baby.
We should sell the stuff in Houston.
Think of all the money.
We'll be okay.
Pluto knows people in Chicago.
We can live off that money for a long time.
Come on, baby, it's going to be okay.
We can buy all the blow we want
when we get there.
We'll be safe.
Pluto will take care of us.
We'll be safe, baby.