...would've got your head blown off.
And endangered the lives
of all the other passengers.
l was trying to save lives.
The next time a man holds a gun
to your head on a crowded plane...
...you follow instructions.
You do exactly what he tells you to do.
Do you understand?
This is why l gave up my afternoon...
...so a former security specialist
can tell me how to obey a hijacker?
First of all. l'm not a former anything.
Second of all. l like what l do.
l get the chance to meet people like you.
l know we got a lot of information
to think about. so class dismissed.
We'll hijack you again next week.
-What the hell are you doing here?
-l'm doing fine. How're you?
What's wrong with your foot?
l appreciate you throwing
some business my way...
...but you have no right
to interfere with my class.
Look around.
This is an airline training facility.
This is not the Secret Service. Calm down.
Now you're telling me my job. too?
What she did was wrong. Period.
There was a time you'd have let her know
without blowing your cool.
lt just dawned on me.
She kind of reminds me of Lisa.
She looks nothing like Lisa.
l didn't say she looked like her.
l said she reminded me of her.
-We gotta talk.
-l'm not interested in coming back.
-Did l ask you to?
-You were about to.
Don't tell me that teaching
security techniques to bodyguards...
...watchmen. flight attendants.
is what you want to do.
lt's a job. Sly. l like it.
Ramsey wants to hire
the best person available...
...to head up the counter-terrorism unit.
That'd be you.
l don't want that responsibility.
l don't wanna be so good-looking. but
l deal with the hand that's dealt me.
Nobody can do the job better than you.
l knew you'd start this shit again.
Give me my check.
You want me to stop?
Just say. 'Yes. l'll take the job.' l'll stop.
Dammit. Sly. Give it a rest. okay?
No. you give it a rest.
This isn't about a job. This is about you.
Nobody knows better than l do
how much Lisa meant to you...
...but you gotta stop blaming yourself.