What she did was wrong. Period.
There was a time you'd have let her know
without blowing your cool.
lt just dawned on me.
She kind of reminds me of Lisa.
She looks nothing like Lisa.
l didn't say she looked like her.
l said she reminded me of her.
-We gotta talk.
-l'm not interested in coming back.
-Did l ask you to?
-You were about to.
Don't tell me that teaching
security techniques to bodyguards...
...watchmen. flight attendants.
is what you want to do.
lt's a job. Sly. l like it.
Ramsey wants to hire
the best person available...
...to head up the counter-terrorism unit.
That'd be you.
l don't want that responsibility.
l don't wanna be so good-looking. but
l deal with the hand that's dealt me.
Nobody can do the job better than you.
l knew you'd start this shit again.
Give me my check.
You want me to stop?
Just say. 'Yes. l'll take the job.' l'll stop.
Dammit. Sly. Give it a rest. okay?
No. you give it a rest.
This isn't about a job. This is about you.
Nobody knows better than l do
how much Lisa meant to you...
...but you gotta stop blaming yourself.
You gotta get off the sidelines
and back into this game!
l set up a lunch tomorrow
with Ramsey at noon at The Oxford.
l hope you'll be there.
l really do.
Hey. pretty boy!
You got a pretty ass. white girl.
What's her name?
Attorney Phillips.
Have you found out
where they intend to take me?