Passenger 57

You gotta get off the sidelines
and back into this game!

l set up a lunch tomorrow
with Ramsey at noon at The Oxford.

l hope you'll be there.
l really do.
Hey. pretty boy!
You got a pretty ass. white girl.
What's her name?
Attorney Phillips.
Have you found out
where they intend to take me?

Los Angeles. But they won't say when.
lt'll happen quickly.
Notify my people.
They'll know what to do.

California has a death penalty.
lt's a progressive state.
l'll have to visit it sometime.
The feds' witness can prove
you're responsible...

...for two airline bombings last year.
l'm responsible for twice that amount.
l'm afraid the most we can hope for is
that l claim insanity for you.

Given your childhood history.
we should be able to make that stick.

Never mention my childhood.
Have l made myself clear?
lt is the nature of man
to confuse genius with insanity.

...repeat after me.
Charles Rane...
