...if provoked.
l'm prepared to do whatever is necessary
in order to achieve my goal.
If you do as instructed,
you will not be harmed.
If you disobey or interfere
with their activities...
...you will be shot.
Oh. man.
All right. all right.
This is your idea of surprise?
Very funny. Sly. You better be there.
No. no. no. This can't be happening.
Not now.
First this Arsenio shit. then this.
Come on. come on.
Hello. l got an emergency.
My name is John Cutter.
l need Sly Delvecchio.
l don't know how to spell his name.
-Gary's compiled those numbers and-
-There's a call for you.
Excuse me.
-Who is it?
-John Cutter.