No. no. no. This can't be happening.
Not now.
First this Arsenio shit. then this.
Come on. come on.
Hello. l got an emergency.
My name is John Cutter.
l need Sly Delvecchio.
l don't know how to spell his name.
-Gary's compiled those numbers and-
-There's a call for you.
Excuse me.
-Who is it?
-John Cutter.
You! Back to your seat.
Please don't shoot me!
l don't want to die!
l said. back to your seat!
They've taken over the plane!
Get everybody up here
for an emergency meeting. now!
They've taken over the plane!
How many? How many?
Let's say hello to your friends.
All right. freeze!
Drop the fucking gun. or your friend dies.
l have no friends.
His name's John Cutter.
He's airline security.
l'm sure your superiors would not like you
to do anything rash...
...and risk the lives
of all these wonderful people.