- Mark my words: he'll be a detriment.
- No, sir. Don't say that.
- Let me block your hat.
- Give me that!
He's always been a liability with my firm.
l'm only just beginning to realise it.
Mr Paulsen, l didn't mean it! You...
(clown) lrmy!
- We're closing.
- Just one beer? Please?
Did anyone see a blonde woman
wandering around alone?
Short hair?
Oh, mercy. We never know
when we have a good thing.
We always have to ruin it.
l know exactly how you feel.
The earthly paradise known as woman.
All we'll ever know of heaven.
All we need know of hell.
l made love to a woman tonight
that was sheer perfection.
lt was in a brothel, but somehow this one
didn't have that used, jaded quality.
l never do it with whores.
You start out with a burning desire...
..and end up the next day with a burning
sensation, if you know what l mean.
Yes, but this one was so irresistible.
Sweet and innocent.
But under the sheets... a tigress.
A violent, screaming,
passionate jungle cat.
- You mean a good actress.
- She swore not.
Well, you're very young,
my friend. Very naive.