Hey! Hey! Taxi! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go! Go! Go! Go!
And then Vince looks at Ernie
and says, ''Say good night.''
And then Vince looks at Joey
and Joey shot him.
I mean, he just shot him
in the chair.
Just boom.
He blew this guy away!
Sorry I'm late.
I'm Lieutenant Souther.
- Eddie Souther.
- How do you do?
I'm Deloris Van Cartier.
Listen, this guy was
a simple limo driver, right?
He was a limo driver. So maybe he made
a couple wrong turns in his life.
That's no reason to kill him.
I've never seen anybody killed before.
Except, you know, sometimes
you pass on the freeway,
you see a couple of people dead.
- But it's not the same thing--
- Miss Van Cartier?
- What?
You're Vince LaRocca's
girlfriend, right?
Well, you could,
sort of, maybe--
It depends on how you look at it.
I mean, the guy just tried to kill me,
so I don't think that
cements our relationship.
Well, you realize he's a major
underworld filgure, don't you?
He's into drug dealing,
money laundering.
We've been investigating Mr LaRocca
for the last 1 8 months.
We've got videotapes.
We've got surveillance photos.
Am I-- Am I in any of the--
On the videotapes?
- No, no, no. Criminal activity.
- Oh.
The tapes aren't enough
to convict him.
Apparently, there's a lot
you don't know about Vince.
I mean, the last two people that saw
him in action kind of disappeared.
What do you mean, they kind of
disappeared? What does that--
What do you mean?
Well, we found a piece here
and a piece there.
But don't you worry.
Here, have a cup of coffee.
You're safe now, and we're gonna
see that you stay that way.
- That's our job.
- If you help us, we can help you.
If you testify against Vince
about what you saw,
we can put him away
for the rest of his life.
Are you crazy? You're telling me
this guy is a mad criminal,
and you want me to testify?
Do you know what's gonna happen?
He's gonna track me down.
- Deloris.
- He's gonna kill me.
- Can I call you Deloris?
You can call me anything you want,
as long as you keep me alive!