I mean, look, you're
married to the big J.C.
I mean, you're His
old lady, you know.
It's, uh-- It's an
amazing thing to me.
I mean, of course, you must be saying,
''Well, it's much better...
than being hooked up
with some kind of two-timing--''
Please, do not smoke
in here.
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I--
You know, I get so nervous.
I get worked up. I just-- I just
had-- I don't know. I'm sorry.
Look, Miss Van Cartier, we have agreed
to conceal and protect you,
which we will do
to the best of our ability.
However, it is essential
that you understand...
that you are not
in a sorority or a speakeasy.
This is a convent,
a religious order,
and there are certain rules
you must obey.
St Katherine's is a place
to commune and to pray,
and I will not tolerate any disruption
whatsoever with that communion.
Do you understand?
- Yes.
- Good.
But do you understand
I'm the victim here?
Do you understand
I'm the good guy?
I mean, they just kind of
threw me in here with you nuns.
I mean, do you get that?
I'm the good guy.
I mean, I saw a guy
get his face blown off.
So why don't you just
give me the key to my room?
I'll lay low. You stay out of my face,
I'll stay out of your face.
And I will commune my little
black ass in that room.
Can you handle that?
- I think it's a very good idea.
- Thank you.
Well, it's almost lunchtime.
Perhaps you'd like
to freshen up.
And you'll certainly
want to change.
I just hope you don't think I'm gonna
wear what I wore in Catholic school.
No, siree. No ugly
green jumpers for me.
And those stupid
clunky shoes.
Oh, with this gold thing-- Could
you have it dry-cleaned for me?
Open the cabinet to your left.
You will filnd suitable attire.
Oh, cool.
Oh, no. No, no, no,
I can't do this. I'm sorry.
This is filne for covering a little
bulge, but now I've got holster hips.