Sister Act

People wish to kill you.
Anyone who's met you,
I imagine.

A disguise is necessary
to protect us all.

Now, while you are here,
you will conduct yourself as a nun.

Only I will know who
and what you truly are.

You will draw no attention
to yourself whatsoever.

But look at me! I'm a nun.
I'm a-- I'm a penguin!

As from now and until you leave,
you are Sister Mary Clarence.

Mary Clarence? Like-Like Clarence
Williams III from The Mod Squad?

Mary is in deference
to our Holy Mother.

The Clarence is in honour
of St Clarence of Concordia.

There are three vows
every nun must accept.

- The vow of poverty.
- Mmm.

- The vow of obedience.
- Mm-hmm.

- And the vow of chastity.
- I am out of here with that.

Oh, oh, man.
It is necessary to eat--
- Good afternoon, Sisters.
- Good afternoon.

I apologize
for my tardiness.

I would like you to welcome
a new member to our house.

Sister Mary Clarence.
Mary Clarence comes to us from
a somewhat progressive convent.

However, she's eager to embrace
a more disciplined life,

and I am sure will make every
effort to conform to our ways.

I'll do my best.
- Would you like to be seated?
- Thank you.

- Yes, Mary Patrick?
- Reverend Mother,

on behalf of all the Sisters
here at St Katherine's,

I'd like to offer a great big hi there
and hello to Sister Mary Clarence. Hi.

And as part of the welcome,
I thought that maybe...

our new sister could offer
today's blessing.

That is very thoughtful of you,
Mary Patrick, but I really--

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I can--
I can do that. Uh, sure.

Oh, fudge.
Uh, bless us, O Lord,

for these Thy gifts which
we're about to receive.
