- Hang on.
- Hey, hey, wait up.
- Hey.
- Making me run all this way--
Ooh, nice tattoo.
Hey, Sister.
Hey, this jukebox got anything
on it from Sound of Music?
Hey, baby
What do I have to do
-Want to dance, Sister?
-Why? You don't have any rhythm.
To make you Iove me too
- You got to roII with me, Henry
-AII right
Young man, take your foot
down off that stool.
Now, have a seat.
Have a seat.
- Baby
- RoII with me, Henry
- Henry, hoId on
- Sit down and shut up.
- Can I have a Coke, please?
- Coming up.
- Thank you so much.
RoII with me, Henry
Whoa, boy!