Hey, Sister.
Hey, this jukebox got anything
on it from Sound of Music?
Hey, baby
What do I have to do
-Want to dance, Sister?
-Why? You don't have any rhythm.
To make you Iove me too
- You got to roII with me, Henry
-AII right
Young man, take your foot
down off that stool.
Now, have a seat.
Have a seat.
- Baby
- RoII with me, Henry
- Henry, hoId on
- Sit down and shut up.
- Can I have a Coke, please?
- Coming up.
- Thank you so much.
RoII with me, Henry
Whoa, boy!
What are you doin' in here?
- I--
- What are you doing?
- I thought you--
What are you guys doing?
Look, you have to go.
You have to go.
- We--
- Oh, never mind. Go. Go.
Just go that way.
Just go that way.
Sister, expecting any more
of your friends?
Now, you guys want to tell me
what you're doing here?
Well, I-I thought that you might
be ministering to the winos,
the way that you did
in your convent in Reno,
and I thought I could help.
And I saw her leave, and it was
very late, and so I followed--
What are you doing here?
- I'm here to see a man
about a car. For the convent.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Did you get it?
- No, I didn't.
- I'm gonna get you outta here.
- We could really use it.
- What colour?
- Come on, come on.
Oh, a jukebox.
Oh, one song, one song.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Do you have a quarter?
Oh, one song, please.
Come on. He does. All right. It'll
come back to you tenfold. Thanks.
Hurry up. Hurry up.
Oh, I love this song.