Tao xue wei long 2

Good, how much?
What are you doing?
Goodbye, Sir. Play mahjong.
Your punishment is to copy
the Old arid New Testament once.

What? Why so serious?
Didn't you say play mahjong?
Few years later, the Bible is so thick.
You don't even think of playing mahjong
for these 2 years.
It can't be?!
Returning to the repentant Judas.
He put $30 in the church.
Then left, and hanged himself.
What depressed him so much to end his life?
Do you think what Judas
who betrayed Christ is a good man?

He's alright.
If he did not betrayed Christ,
then Christ would not be nailed to the cross,

then you won't have a cross on your neck.
You'll be unemployed, fear?
The betrayal is arranged by God.
That means... God purposely cheated Judas.
God, please forgive my violence.
Please show me how to save this student.
Sing, it's reckless here.
You can do whatever you want.
What? Do you wanna copy the Bible?
It's nothing.
I don't care if God saves my soul.
Right now, I wanna beat you.
Sing, you're great. Your fighting is good.
But I've sensed something bad is coming.
You shouldn't have insulted Minister Wong.
He's the most powerful in the school even
bigger than me and the Principal.

He can kick you out anytime.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
