God, please forgive my violence.
Please show me how to save this student.
Sing, it's reckless here.
You can do whatever you want.
What? Do you wanna copy the Bible?
It's nothing.
I don't care if God saves my soul.
Right now, I wanna beat you.
Sing, you're great. Your fighting is good.
But I've sensed something bad is coming.
You shouldn't have insulted Minister Wong.
He's the most powerful in the school even
bigger than me and the Principal.
He can kick you out anytime.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
I forgot.
See how you can beat me up.
You're something, Head of Discipline.
Of course, don't run.
Head of Discipline.
I wanna ask you something in the washroom.
Why have to be in the washroom?
Only takes you a second.
Why not here?
Washroom is better.
Don't go away, Head of discipline.
It's the school regulation.
I don't wanna beat you.
Come on, I ain't that stingy.
I haven't killed you right?
I ain't angry at all.
Yes... It's very kind of you not to kill me.
Thanks a lot...
I'm always good for you.
Worth treating me a meal right?
Can you bring
some dim sum to me too?
That guy is weird, what's he doing here?