I'm talkin' 'bout
your people, not you.
What the fuck do you know
about my people?
Only that you're all tough,
undeluded motherfuckers...
And it's not in your nature
To let me go!
Shut the fuck up, would ya?
You know a funny thing?
No. What's the funny thing?
I didn't even fancy her.
Didn't look
Like that to me.
She's not my type.
Come here.
No. Come here.
I wanna show you something.
My inside pocket.
Take out my wallet.
Open it.
Inside there's a picture.
No, not that one.
There's another.
Now, she's my type.
She'd be anybody's type.
Don't you think of it, fucker.
Why not?
She's mine.
Anyway, she wouldn't suit you.
Absolutely not.
Is she your wife?
I guess
You could say that.
You make a nice couple.
Don't I know it.