The Crying Game

Take out my wallet.
Open it.
Inside there's a picture.
No, not that one.
There's another.
Now, she's my type.
She'd be anybody's type.
Don't you think of it, fucker.

Why not?
She's mine.

Anyway, she wouldn't suit you.
Absolutely not.

Is she your wife?
I guess
You could say that.

You make a nice couple.
Don't I know it.

So what were you
Fuckin' around for then?

You fuckers set me up.
That- that bitch.
Ah-ah- ah.

She's a friend of mine.
That nice lady.

She meets me in a bar.
I'm thinkin' to myself:
"what the fuck
am I doin' here anyway?"

What the fuck were you doin' here?
I got sent.

- you could've said no.
- can't once I signed up.

- why did you sign up?
- it was a job.

Ah, yeah, a job.
So I get sent to
The one place in the world...

Where they call you "nigger"
To your face.

Shouldn't take it personally.
"go back to
Your banana tree, nigger."

There's no use tellin' 'em
I come from tottenham.
