Anybody else live
in this building?
Come on, just shake
your head yes or no.
Shit, I gave
you 40 bucks!
Fuck you.
All right, he'll be
here any minute. Wickey
don't break his word.
He better or
I'm gonna kick your crippled
ass back down those stairs.
Hey, man, why don't you
relax, Goose? I'm just
tryin' to set things up.
[Indistinct Chatter]
He's right there.
Funny you picked up here.
This is where King James
keeps his stash at.
What you talkin' about?
It's right over there
in the air vent.
Don't be bullshittin' me.
Man, I ain't.
I'll go get it for you.
Yo, whoa, what's up?
You think I'm stupid, Lucky?
You think I'm gonna let you
walk over there, put your hand
and pull a piece out on me?
Yo, Wickey, keep your snake ass
where I can see ya, all right?
- [Screaming]
- Goose!
Don't you be gettin'
outta hand now.
Lucky's just got a real
nasty sense of humor.